Even a small water leak can cause major problems if it isn’t found and fixed. 

Leak Detection WA: We are the experts in detecting and repairing water leaks in Perth and Perth greater area and can be at your property within 24 hours.

The longer it remains undetected, the more damage it will cause to your residential or commercial property – and the more expensive it will be to fix.

Sometimes you can’t even see the leak, so you don’t know what you’re dealing with.

We’ve seen water leaks cause:

  • high water bills
  • mould and mildew
  • expensive renovations
  • disruption of family life
  • extensive property damage
  • uninhabitable conditions
  • loss of business or rental income
  • lawsuits and insurance claims.

The solution is to detect the leak as early as possible and then repair it for you quickly and permanently.
That’s why our qualified Perth plumbers will be at your property within 24 hours of getting your call.

Get a quote 

4 + 13 =

We use the latest technology that can detect even the smallest water leaks in:

  • slabs and hidden areas
  • walls and interior plumbing locations
  • showers and bathrooms
  • commercial properties.

Then we can repair the problem for you without major disruption to your home or business. This will help you avoid ongoing or expensive problems.

If you’re in Perth or the greater Perth area, call us on  0400 763 766  or enquire online.


How to detect a water leak…